Andreadis SA company profile

The company N.Andreadis SA started in 1983 in the Agios Athanasios area of ​​Naoussa. The initial field of activity of the company was the import and distribution of Meradi N.A. Asia's timber doors as well as ready-made German windows.

The need for a better and more efficient service to our customers, led to the development of our manufacturing department which consists of modern machines that enable us to carry out even the most demanding tasks. Thus in 1992 our production unit was installed and started operating in a privately owned building covering an area of ​​over 3,500 m2.

With over 20 years of experience in wood processing, the company N. Andreadis SA. creates unique and tailored to the needs of each client solid windows as well as windows in which wood is combined with aluminum. Development was also given to exterior and interior doors, thus elegantly dressing and securing each residence.

Coming to today, we have grown and continued to create. Wooden houses and wooden mobile homes became our new sector and pillar of development. Stable, flexible and unique, the homes we build can become ecological homes for young people who expect to add quality to their lifestyle.